By Decision of Kazatomprom Board of Directors (Minutes No. 1/18 dated 08.02.2018) Bolat Abzhaparuly Zhylkyshiyev has been appointed as the Ombudsman of NAC Kazatomprom JSC
Bolat Zhylkyshiyev (biography)
Telephone: +7 (7172) 458 006
Interested parties may anonymously inform the Ombudsman about illegal and unethical actions of officials and employees of the company, and their rights should not be infringed in such cases.
The Ombudsman annually makes a report of the appeals on corporate ethics, which is sent in the prescribed manner to the Board of Directors, no later than the first day of the second month of the following year.
The Board of Directors evaluates the results of the Ombudsman's activities and decides on the extension or termination of the powers of the person holding the post of Ombudsman.
The workplace and work conditions of the Ombudsmen are determined by decision of the Management Board.
Reports about violations in the Kazatomprom group
The company has approved and put into place operational rules for the review of reports in Kazatomprom, the aim of which is to create a basis for increasing the transparency of the group by giving opportunities to employees, as well as third parties, to report cases of violations of norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan or internal normative documents of the company and/or subsidiaries and affiliates of the company.
Kazatomprom’s Rules on the procedure of review of reports can be found below.